Originally Posted by CPWILL
Originally Posted by Jeffery J. Haas
At the moment it looks like a fairly significant portion of the economy is falling down the abyss of public debt.

Like it or not, and I am not saying I am liking it, it is not going to just go away. And if we hate all this debt so much, then it is imperative that we immediately unf**k our CV19 response to the greatest extent possible, as soon as possible.

Solid concur. Unfortunately, we seem bent instead on hiring only loosely-connected-to-reality septuagenarians for the purpose of overseeing that effort.

I don't know if I would say hate - but I intensely dislike personal debt. Public debt isn't so much a hate, as a fear - I don't want to see the U.S. suffer the somewhat-inevitable results of taking on this much frown.

That ship sailed a long long time ago, so the best approach is to innovate and also otherwise figure out ways to make the debt serve as a tool which might reap some return on investment.
If we are so desperate for testing supplies, it's a good idea to launch rapid training and set up a couple hundred regional manufacturing hubs to MAKE the damn tests right here.
The manufacturing process is not brain surgery, we just need skilled operators and the funds, and those funds that initially went out as bonus checks to CEO's and the elites should be redirected to this effort. Liken it to making ship propellers and munitions during WW2.
I am sure that there are tons of willing and able Rosie and Ross Riveters aching to go to work for twelve to fifteen bucks an hour making these supplies.
I am not going to listen to anyone who says we are incapable of making the equivalent of pregnancy tests, face masks and cotton testing swabs in the United States.

We're graduating nurses from schools a little bit early so now we need the equipment and supplies to give them to use.
This IS a "war effort" so let's treat it like one and do like our grandparents did a few decades ago.

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