Lending money to people who ask to borrow money from you isn't predatory. Even Student Loans (though amazingly stupid and destructive) aren't predatory. Theft is predatory. Fraud is predatory. Assault and Battery is predatory. Mortgages are not predatory.
So you're basically saying that if you can't afford to throw down for four year's tuition cash on the barrelhead, don't enroll in college.
Recipe for another generation of ignorance.
(roll eyes) Hyperbole isn't impressive and it scores you no points, man. Nowhere have I said, suggested, argued, or taught this.
You don't have to. Everyone knows that the loan market uses predatory rates. Show me a stu-loan package that doesn't.
We're not talking grants and scholarships, LOANS, student loans.
If you need one, the rate is absurdly high, and there's not much in the way of alternatives for most people, otherwise student loans would be a barren market with few takers.
So...in essence, higher ed only for those who can afford it.
For everyone else, a lifetime of crippling debt...because of course they "made poor choices"...like not being born wealthy.