In January of 2020, Tara Reade approached TimesUp, a project of the National Women’s Law Center that provides assistance for sexual assault and harassment victims with claims against employers and powerful men. TimesUp refused to help Tara. She was seeking "PR assistance" instead of legal help.

Reade approached Ronan Farrow, and he gave a hard pass.

Reade wrote multiple posts, almost all translated into Russian and distributed to RT, Tass and Interfax, the Russian news agencies, for distribution, in which she gushed praise for Vladimir Putin.

And last but not least, she ripped passages from a novel written by her dead father, to fill in the description of her alleged sexual assault by Biden.
Sorry, I do not find anything in Tara Reade's story credible in the least, and I think she's the clumsiest of Russian operatives.

"The Best of the Leon Russell Festivals" DVD