Originally Posted by pondering_it_all
Laredo, Texas has a $1000 fine if you are over the age of five and caught without a mask in public. I think every state needs to do this, if we want to end our stay-at-home orders. Even with the current shutdown, we are still seeing the number of cases rising. This could not happen if we had a tight lockdown. If we make it looser, cases go right back up exponentially. We have more asymptomatic cases out there now than when we started the lockdowns, so the infection rates will rise much faster. We have to do something drastic to break this cycle. Lockdown (as we implemented it) obviously does not work well.

In other countries, everybody wears a mask in public. Doormen who make sure you have a mask before they let you in a store, pump hand sanitizer into everyone's hands before entry. Supermarkets sanitize every basket after use. Mass transit is closed down. Schools have everybody masked, the AC turned off, and all windows open. They do everything they can think of to break the cycle.

Do we allow protests? Sure, this is America. People can protest as long as they wear masks, obey group size rules, and obey physical distance rules. If they don't, arrest them. If they resist, shoot them. Non-lethal weapons would be fine, but these sociopaths are endangering everybody so they need to be under house arrest with ankle monitors.

Entirely agree. The governments of India and of the Philippines threatened to shoot people on sight, and they actually shot and killed one in the Philippines, and I thought it excessive, but then, when you think of it... it's like these people are spreading a weapon of mass destruction, willingly.

If a terrorist decided to spread a bio-weapon or a radioactive low-grade substance with a kill rate of 1%, and got caught and resisted, nobody would find it very strange or very objectionable if the terrorist got shot, right? Given that these people willingly and knowingly do this, what's the difference?

Anyway, OK, maybe not shoot them... LOL. But at least, we should do like Italy is doing, indicting them with a felony they called "aiding an epidemic" with sentence guidelines of 12 years in prison. Italy indicted 40,000 people with this felony. They probably won't actually prosecute all 40,000 but I'm sure they'll want to make an example of the most egregious cases, like a guy who was diagnosed with COvID-19, was in a highly contagious phase, was ordered to quarantine at home, but left anyway and went out, interacting with a bunch of people. If it can be shown that someone got the virus from him and died, yes, the person deserves to be locked up.

Please take COVID-19 seriously; don't panic but don't deny it; practice social distancing (stay 6ft from people); wash your hands a lot, don't touch your face, don't gather with too many people, so that you help us contain it.