Some of you would be uncomfortable in my home because while we did housebreak our dog, we did not "train" her to be anything other than a goofy lovable dog, in other words, herself.

So yes, she does get excited to meet new people and she does want to come over and express herself the way dogs often do. Her thirty pound frame shakes and wiggles from head to toe and she is eager to greet strangers and their pets.
She's not destructive, she's just a goofy dog who loves everyone.

Funny thing is, our kitties are the same, although not quite as silly as the dog.
But in a matter of minutes, both of them will come out and want to investigate the guest and make friends with them, too.

We had one family member who is allergic to both cats and dogs. He was pretty uncomfortable, but the rest of our guests have marveled at how friendly our pets are.
The most entertaining thing is how our veterinarian staff reacts.
They absolutely LOVE how sweet our animals are, especially the two cats.

"The Best of the Leon Russell Festivals" DVD