Originally Posted by pondering_it_all
Her thirty pound frame shakes and wiggles from head to toe

Mine were 30 pounds when they were three months old. Now everybody is at least 65 pounds and that's the runt. We've got a shepard/ridgeback mix you could throw a saddle on and ride around the ranch. He's a sweetheart but has a basso-profundo bark that would soil any burglar's pants.

Karen's brother had a Rott who barked like that.
And yes, it was pretty frightening.
But Socks was just a big ole tub o'love deep down.
I'm sure he would give his life to defend the family but he was not a trained watchdog, as I was able to stare him down the very first time I laid eyes on him and he had no idea who we were.

He started in with the ROWR ROWR WOOF WOOF business and then suddenly he was all wiggles and submission. Danny was embarrassed! ROTFMOL

"The Best of the Leon Russell Festivals" DVD