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Oh come on. I specified the extinction of what I was referring to. Again, if you only read ONE phrase out of context (if you keep reading, that is, if you put it in context given the explanation of what kind of extinction I was referring to) you wouldn't know that I wasn't talking about the extinction of the human race, so, no, I wasn't hysterical. You put hysterical things in my mouth. As usual. That's one of the things you do.
Not at all. The two items are entirely distinct - a loss of American prestige is nothing at all like an Extinction Level Event. It would be like saying "sure, but Biden will lead to nuclear war with China".... and then a paragraph later saying "Biden would also have strong words for President Xi", and then later explaining that what I meant was a rhetorical nuclear exchange of words, and that I can't believe you would even think that when I said "nuclear war with China", what I meant was "nuclear war with China".
But whatever. Debates-about-the-debate are pointless. I accept your explanation that you meant to write that it is possible for both major party candidates to be unworthy of one's vote... unless it is possible that one of those candidates would preside over the decline of American leadership. In such a case, I would have to disagree. While the likelihood that a candidate would lead to an accelerated loss of American leadership is certainly a reason not to vote for him, that both candidates are likely to do so (or even that a candidate's major opponent is likelier to do so) is not a reason to vote for them if they are otherwise unacceptable.
We might get more stability in American foreign policy under Biden. Unfortunately, that stability would be locked in on the downward trajectory.
If both candidates will preside over the decline of American leadership, maybe so, but I do believe (and I'm entitled to this opinion) that Trump is way way way way way way worse than Biden in this regard. And, like you said, a big spender, not to forget how he hinders the revenue too, with his huge tax cut.
Trump is indeed a massive spender. Biden will be a bigger spender. It's like trading an extinction level event that wipes out all of humanity* for a nuclear extinction level event that wipes out all mammals
*by which I mean debt payment costs become so large that they squeeze out other federal spending, including important defense expenditures
I believe that with 4 more years of Trump we'll go broke much worse than with 4 years of Biden. Can I prove it? Of course not because it hasn't happened yet (a Biden presidency, if it happens), but we do have Trump's 3 and a half years in power to look at, and it isn't pretty.
I would have to disagree - take a look at the Democratic agenda and you will see that it is virtually nothing but expenditure increases from the Republican agenda. Even according to Biden's own campaign material, he intends to increase spending even more.