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That's the hilarious thing to me, when haters claim that gay guys are child molesters: Do either of those cowboys look like children to you?
I'm about 99% straight on that orientation scale, but those guys make me appreciate what it must be like to be gay. Yummie!
One of my favorite ways to mess with Karen's head is when a gorgeous hunky guy appears on TV and I lean over and say something like, "Damn, you might have to fight ME for him, whaddya think?"
First time I said that, the look on her face basically resembled two large saucers atop an open oven door.
Or Johnny Bravo if he was female...
One time we happened to flick past "Brokeback Mountain" and she didn't know what it was, and then one of the love scenes came on.
"OMG OMG OMG it's that brokeback movie, stop make it stop!!" She put the sheet over her head and I kept trying to pull it down.
"The Best of the Leon Russell Festivals" DVD deepfreezefilms.com