If Trump succeeds in fostering a warp-speed delivery of an effective vaccine by late October he will win re-election in a landslide.
Ummm, his refusal to act in a coordinated and timely manner has thus far cost us several trillion dollars and contributed to erasing the entire economic recovery and has plunged us into Great Depression v2.0 and just because he finally pushed to get a cure, you think he will be reelected?
I don't think so.
Had he ACTED in a coordinated and timely manner from the get-go I'd be in agreement with you.
Here on out, whatever he does, regardless of the result, is still shutting the barn after the horses and cows have escaped.
It's not how you and I perceive him. It's how the low information voters perceive him. They will think of him as the savior of the nation.
The low information voters who are out of work and hanging on by a thread, and picking up the pieces of their broken lives while other countries are now edging toward relative safety and security?
Yeah, you're right...they are low information votes but even low information voters are going to get the impression that they got screwed badly.
No, not by Democrats doing nothing, for sure.
But it is now up to the Democrats to consider their messaging when presenting this to the people.
Normalizing abnormal sh!t may be the order of the day but orders like that don't age well when little or nothing changes for the better.
There is no way even low information voters can be told that what they are looking at in the coming months is any kind of normal, unless they are already part of Trump's hardcore base.
And there isn't a thing we can do about that one third of the nation.
You can't fix that kind of stupid, you can only vote it out of power, which is what will happen.