Please donate to keep ReaderRant online to serve political discussion and its members. (Blue Ridge Photography pays the bills for RR).
Back to the cabin today, out of reach of the omnipresent electronic buttsniffing/necksniffing of the modern age for five pleasant hours.
Got linseed oil on the rest of the logs and installed windowshades, plus a nice lunch, a good book, and a nap.
You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the old model obsolete. R. Buckminster Fuller
Jeffery got in a snit and resigned. He slammed the door shut on his way out. I don't usually come around before four o'clock so I didn't know it was shut down.
Something to do with a new poster getting butthurt.
Jeffery got in a snit and resigned. He slammed the door shut on his way out. I don't usually come around before four o'clock so I didn't know it was shut down.
Something to do with a new poster getting butthurt.
What you want to label as a snit and what it really is are two different things. How many active members do we have? What is it, maybe nine or ten?
We managed to drive out one last night, and alienate two other new members in short order before that. Also, one OLD member came around, and was searching for another old member who hasn't been back since the last time this forum devolved into a hot mess. I expect neither of them will be back.
So, what is this forum aiming for, even LESS active members? Doing a great job, terrific in fact. Maybe the Rant will reach the point where there are only TWO active users and one will alienate the other and then it will be down to one remaining active member talking to themselves.
My my, it's almost as if some folks are beginning to reach the point where they are incapable of admitting that maybe they might have made a mistake...which is a trait shared by the current POTUS.
I admit I made mistakes. My biggest mistake was in thinking I could maybe revitalize the place and bring in new people, and foster an atmosphere conducive to reasonable discussion.
I admit it, I made a mistake thinking that was possible, among many others. I made a mistake thinking I could pull it off, that I had the skills. I have plenty of skills but obviously making this forum work again is not one of them.
Someone is paying hosting service costs for a forum which will soon have zero active users and I don't want to be around when the door slams shut and there's only one person left to turn off the lights. It won't be me, it will be one of you.
Enjoy talking to the four winds. When a tree falls in the forest and no one is around to hear it, yadda yadda yadda.
By the way, note that I didn't bring this out in the public area of the forum, you did, Greger. What a DICK MOVE ON YOUR PART.
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Jeffery got in a snit and resigned. He slammed the door shut on his way out. I don't usually come around before four o'clock so I didn't know it was shut down.
Something to do with a new poster getting butthurt.
It's not an issue of "getting butthurt."
It's just that this is not really a place for reasonable discussion, contrary to what you said, and contrary to what I was told when I was invited to join (not the Admin's fault, though. Nice guy).
Great way to treat a newbie. You clearly just want to keep the people you've been friends with for a while, no space for new ones. Well, see, you did get what you wanted, as this newbie here will get the hell out of here.
Please, continue to enjoy talking to a mirror and to a sounding board.
Please take COVID-19 seriously; don't panic but don't deny it; practice social distancing (stay 6ft from people); wash your hands a lot, don't touch your face, don't gather with too many people, so that you help us contain it.
Interesting, this forum doesn't seem to have a "delete account" option. I looked everywhere, including in the FAQ. Oh well. Consider my account deleted (I guess the only thing I can do to signal this, is to remove my avatar). I sent an email to deepfreezefilms which is Contact Us address, soliciting the deletion.
If it doesn't happen, I'll just stop coming here. Have you all a nice life.
Please take COVID-19 seriously; don't panic but don't deny it; practice social distancing (stay 6ft from people); wash your hands a lot, don't touch your face, don't gather with too many people, so that you help us contain it.
I'm a Liberal, my pen (keyboard) is mightier than the sword. I am not one to take an AR-15 and shoot-up the place, but my words will cut you.
I hardly find it cute when it's suggested that Trump will win re-election knowing that Trump’s inaction from January 3, 2020 (when the administration claims to have first become aware of the virus) up to March 13 made the Covid-19 crisis exponentially worse than it should have been with over 100,000 needless deaths. No rational thinking person would ever think that Trump would, or should win re-election. So why write it?
Trump’s failures of governance since March 13, 2020 greatly outweigh the positive steps he took in that time in scope and number.
Jeffery I made this public because we are not a secretive organization anymore where five mods and two admins meet behind closed door to determine the fate of the posters. We're 8 old guys that don't need that kind of bullsh*t. This forum has been dying for years and bringing around an occasional new sanctimonious prick is not going to revitalize online forums and political discussion groups.
Are you resigning or not? Are you staying as a poster? Jon and I will have to iron out the details
You haven't failed as an admin. I've watched them f*ck things up for over a decade and you've done a fine job! You set an impossible goal for yourself.
PIA are you interested? We need a new mod and admin if Jeffery's leaving.
What's the user to official ratio around here. Seems we have an awful lot of Chiefs and very few Indians.
You may not actually want me: I rather liked GNT and I'm fine with people liking or disliking politicians and expressing their views on them. I have always had an aversion to exclusion, since I was a kid. I have several friends who run the gamut from Socialist to Libertarian. I may think their opinions are stupid and non-productive, but I support their right to have them.