Rather a big scandal regarding the Lancet HCQ paper: Looks like they faked a lot of data. ALL their data comes from a proprietary company one of the co-authors owns, and they won't let anybody look at it. They claim it includes case data from up until just a few days before the paper was submitted from over 600 hospitals, many of whom have never heard of this company. Extracting patient data from hospitals to combine is difficult, takes months, has to pass ethics boards, etc.
Then they claim out of those many thousands of patient records they matched patients into groups with 23 different matching parameters. (Like sex, smoker, diabetes, etc.) Collecting all that data would have taken months and had many people doing it. The paper only mentions four co-authors, none of them epidemiologists or statisticians.
Lancet is trying to get "some clarification" from the authors, as they put it. Lancet is going to wind up with a very damaged reputation from this. Meanwhile WHO has stopped all HCQ trials, Fauci has jumped on board, several countries have forbidden HCQ use for Covid-19 because of this paper.