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I see that I am still registered here and can post, and that Greger, pondering, and pdx rick are still here.(Who would have predicted I'd end up in Portland myself). I am sorry in many ways that I now longer writing a regular column for CHB but Doug didn't want the kind of sometimes snarky stuff I wrote. However I am also disappointed in Daily Kos because it is so difficult to get readers what with 50 posts listed by community members. I spend up to two hours writing them. Today's was no except and from what I can tell only 12 people read it. I write original stuff and find that people who just post short excepts to news stories end up being recommended and stay online all day. I wish Kos would have two sections, one for news and like The NY Times and Wash. Post another for Opinion. I also wish Doug would make CHB like it was in the old days when there were six columnists including myself writing opinion. Oh well. My stories are always on my blog too, halbrown.org and on https://www.dailykos.com/user/HalBrown/history