There are the vaccines and then there are the treatments. Thought I would check out treatments and here are a couple of results(I restricted the results to the last 24 hours):

Its interesting. If you google for covid-19 vaccine, for just the last 24 hours, you will get page after page. If, however, you look for "covid-19 treatment" there is only two replies.

I did it again, this time for the last week and found more:

On the face of it treatments are few and far between and all seem to be either in tests or have been tested and don't work. Vaccines, it seems, may be ahead of the treatments so far but there are treatment coming up and are being tested. I am just hoping to last long enough so that, if I get it, there will actually be a treatment that works whilst waiting for the vaccine to come on line. (I think treatment may be available before a vaccine due to testing requirements).

Last edited by jgw; 06/12/20 08:31 PM.