There are some useful prophylactic measures that are very safe to take and easy to find. These are things you can find in your local drug store, health food store, or on Amazon. None of them are cures, but they can make your body much more resistant so if you do get it you have a much better chance of having a mild case.

First of all, Vitamin D: Take 4000 iu per day, and if you have a deficiency take 10000 iu per day for two weeks to build up your stores. There are some scientific papers that support this.

Next would be zinc and quercetin: 50 mg per day is the highest recommended dose for zinc, but if you do get sick you could up that to 100 mg/day. Quercetin is pretty safe. About 500 mg twice a day.

Vitamin C: 500 mg twice per day, because why not? Couldn't hurt.

NAC: If you have any symptoms at all, take 600 mg of N-acetyl-cysteine. Very good to prevent clotting and jack up your anti-oxidents.

Meletonin: 2-3 mg just before bed. Good sleep is very important for your immune system.

Pepcid: May block an enzyme the virus needs. One study suggested this because way more people on Prilosec as opposed to Pepcid got hospitalized.