I could get all Buddhist here, and talk about getting what you need, as opposed to getting what society deems the latest necessity. Some are content with their begging bowl and saffron robe. What do humans really need?
When you start with the premise that we are all going to die, and all you can do is to put that off for a while, it gets a lot simpler. Air to breath, water to drink, food to eat. Cleaner is better, for all three. The most expensive of those is way more expensive than "good enough". Healthy relationships with others is pretty important: People in solitary confinement tend to go crazy. Health care is important when you need it, but Christian Scientists tend to do pretty well without. Everything else is gravy.
But I do enjoy some nice gravy.
I built a raised bed yesterday. Two more to go. The irrigation supply is hooked up. Most of the seeds have arrived. I've figured out I can't start the cauliflower or snap peas until the end of summer. The tomatoes in containers are already knee-high and flowering. Crook-neck squash, bunching onions, and lettuce are going in the first bed.