Interesting, that first article reports a combination of antivirals that might be useful. But like all antivirals, they would have to be given very early to do any good. Hopefully, they do a Phase 3 trial somewhere like Brazil where they have a lot of community spread and then give it out to a lot of people with first symptoms.

The other interesting thing they report is finding a lot of recovered people are not making the long-lasting IgG antibodies. So if you use 2 month old recovered plasma it may not help sick people. That does not mean the recovered patient could catch it again. The virus is in their B-cell memory, so they could make a lot of IgG quickly. They just never had to, because the short term IgM took care of it. This matches nicely with the reported finding of others that many recovered patients were not "sero-converting" (making IgG).

The second URL is nice, because it's for a drug to treat the later, autoimmune phase of a serious infection. If we had a really good treatment for that, it would knock the death rate a lot. And the patients who could use it are very obvious, unlike antiviral candidates.