I might just be paranoid, but I doubt it. I think our government has been trying to implement Trump's "just let everybody catch it" policy right from the start. First they lie about masks "because we wanted healthcare workers to get them", even though homemade cloth masks work fine to keep the spread rate low. Then they seem to consistently fail to test hydroxychloroquine with zinc as an early treatment. They say "take out food is safe" when it is only safe if nobody at the restaurant is shedding virus. Then they open up lockdowns without doing the most basic "here's what you have to do" tutorials on masks, distancing, hand washing, safe food shopping, etc. And top it off with Trump and Republicans convincing the stupidest among us not to wear masks.

This sounds like a policy of sacrificing all the old or sick to get to herd immunity. The obvious problem with that is that it requires a huge number of dead and permanently disabled people to get there. Reports from recovered people are not good: Many of them are saying they still have health problems months later. Some of this is going to be permanent. And of course, dying is permanent, too.

I wonder if this has an underlying motive of lowering the number of people collecting Social Security and Medicare. I've also heard Trump's niece has some pretty scathing things to say about Trump's relationship with his old and sick father.