Originally Posted by NW Ponderer
I think the effort to block the distribution of the book is not in good faith (shocking), and doomed to failure because, frankly, it meets none of the case law on "prior restraint".[/quote/
Indeed, plus the book has already been disseminated to media.

[quote=NW Ponderer] It is a frivolous action by the DoJ and another Barr black eye for the Department. I expect by tomorrow it will have been dismissed. It's really hard to make the argument that there's a security risk when 1) it was approved by NSA, 2) it has already been distributed, 3) and the claims made in court don't comport with national security criteria. Trump just thinks he can "classify" anything embarrassing, and his Nazi henchman, Bill Barr, will do anything to protect his fuhrer. (Barr would have been so comfortable in Nazi Germany. He's an actual Fascist.)
Bill Barr's shotgun ride on Trump's scorched-earth joyride against justice will not end well for Bill Barr. smile

Originally Posted by NW Ponderer
Personally, I won't buy Bolton's Book, because he's a traitor, and I don't support traitors. I don't mean he's disloyal to Trump, but to the United States. A true patriot would have testified to Congress about what h.w knew instead of banking on his book deal. He's a sell-out of the highest order and the worst kind.
Barr's actions validate the perception of Conservatives being greedy selfish individuals who are only looking out for themselves and to grab as much money in life as possible. Hmm

Contrarian, extraordinaire