I won't say all republicans are racist but pretty much all racists are republicans. Most republicans who claim not to be racist are.
This is how I view racism and bigotry.
Righties always trot out that Dems started the KKK. This is true. What the Righties always leave out, because it doesn't fit their agenda, is that the KKK-loving Dems were
conservative Dems. These
conservative remained Dems until Richard Nixon enticed them over to the Republican party in the late '60s.
Now these folks are
conservative Repubs as you point out
It's not really a Democrat or Republican thing that breeds racism or bigotry, but...it is absolutely 100% a conservative thing that breeds racism and bigotry.
This why it's the
conservatives who whine about the Confederate history being erased - it's not the Libs who are doing the whining about the loss of Confederate statues.