Big difference between the two. Reagan switched parties only once, Trump has done so 7 times. Reagan was a successful governor of California for two terms, 8 years. Trump had no political experience whatsoever. He didn't even play the part of a president on TV.

Reagan won because Carter was seen as inept, the Misery index, the Iran Hostage situation and more. Reagan carried 44 states and beat Carter in the popular vote 51-41 with Anderson garnering 7% of the vote. Trump received but 46% of the popular vote along with carrying 30 states. Reagan went on to win reelection by a landslide winning 49 states and defeating Mondale 59-40% in the popular vote. Trump could very well be on the receiving end of a Biden landslide, time will tell. But it's possible. No, Reagan was no fluke. Trump, yes, Reagan no. Reagan was exactly what a majority of Americans wanted during that time period. Trump, a majority of Americans didn't want him. But he was very lucky to face Hillary Clinton as a majority of Americans didn't want her also.

You're correct, most of the 1960's southern democrats didn't embrace civil rights, but they didn't jump to the Republican Party either. Most continued on being loyal Democrats until retirement or death. The south continued to be loyal to the Democratic Party until the time period between 1994-2002. By then the old yeller dog Democrats were retired or dead.

It's high past time that we start electing Americans to congress and the presidency who put America first instead of their political party. For way too long we have been electing Republicans and Democrats who happen to be Americans instead of Americans who happen to be Republicans and Democrats.