Actually, Reagan was a horrible governor. He had no previous government office experience at the time he first ran, much like Trump, and he made some major blunders as a result. There are still large groups in California who hate him, like teachers and state employees.
His people committed crimes by negotiating with the Iranians to not release their hostages until Reagan won and took office. This was essentially treason. As President, he mostly went on TV and gave nice speeches that his followers enjoyed, and left everything else to Cheney. He made decisions with the help of psychics, and then by his second term he was pretty far into senility. After he got shot, Nancy filled his role (fairly competently) as again Cheney actually ran the Executive Branch. He may have been what the majority of voters thought they wanted, but he was way less intelligent or competent than Carter, the Naval nuclear engineer.
His administration was marked by multiple scandals, resulting in the investigation, indictment, or conviction of over 138 administration officials, the largest number for any U.S. president.