If and when he shows up in the polls, then I would take him off ignore. But I highly doubt he ever will. Right now between Trump and Biden, they're hogging 90% plus of the vote in the polls or at least per RCP averages.
https://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/2020/president/us/general_election_trump_vs_biden-6247.htmlRight now only 4% state they'll vote third party, 5% undecided. There's not a whole lot there for West to pull from unless he can take some votes from either Trump or Biden or both. At this time in 2016 had 78% of the electorate saying they'd vote for either Trump or Hillary with 11% stating third party and 11% undecided, not sure. Big difference between 22% pool of undecideds, third party and 9% today.
So he does have the money to get on some state ballots, but running as an independent or third party one has to jump through numerous hoops. 50 different rules/laws on the amount of time allowed to gain signatures and the amount of signatures vary per state and which signatures count also varies.
West has missed the filing deadline in North Carolina, Texas, New Mexico and Indiana. The following states has the following deadlines to turn in the amount of signatures needed along with filing for president in those states. 10 July Nevada. 15 July for Delaware, Oklahoma, Florida, South Carolina. 16 July for Michigan, 20 July for Illinois, 25 July for Maine and Washington, 27 July for Missouri and New Jersey, 28 July for Massachusetts and 30 July for New York.
West will be hard pressed to get on the above states' ballots which deadlines haven't passed. He might succeed for those states who's deadline is two weeks from now and the rest of the states unless he can somehow convince an existing third party who has already qualified for the above states. Perhaps only the Libertarian and Green Party would be his only hope.
Political reality. I would think it highly doubtful West can get on the ballot in enough states to give him a shot at 270. Unlike Johnson in 2016 who was on all 50 state ballots and Stein who was on 38. I think West would be lucky if running as an independent getting on 20 states and probably a lot less.
So ignore applies as of today.