Originally Posted by CPWILL
Originally Posted by Greger
It is neither Biden's nor Congresses duty to punish the president or his followers. They are tasked with repairing the damage. They are not cops and detectives, they are legislators.

Furthermore, it sets a terrible (and extremely dangerous) precedent. Do we really want to convince future Presidents that the only way they can make sure they aren't personally gone after as part of a revenge-cycle between the factions is not to peacefully give up power in accordance with our rules and norms?

'Cuz, the last time I'm aware of a Republic creating that incentive structure, eventually, one of the leading Executives (guy name of Julius) decided he wasn't willing to sacrifice himself to maintain a system on behalf of those who would seek to take it.

So we should give the president a pass so a future president doesn't go Juan Peron?

What can we do to help you stop screaming?