There's quite a lot of Democrats who have the identical view of Republicans. I wouldn't attempt to make to make a guess at the percentages of Democrats who hate Republicans and vice versa today. Democrats who hate anything Republican. But I can guarantee the percentages are growing in both parties. They have been rising ever since at least the 1990's.

The common group think is the other party is out to destroy America while only my party can save it. This is especially true with Trump. In general terms, Republicans think he's out to save American, Democrats think he's out to destroy America. Again, I could take a stab at the percentages of each party who believe that, but I don't have hard numbers to back it up.

This was also true when Obama was president, a certain amount of Republicans believed he was out to destroy America while most Democrats thought he was going to save her. This was to a lesser extent than today with Trump, but still the vitriol and hate for him was there. Again this was true for G.W. Bush among both party's faithful, but to a much lesser extent than for Trump and Obama.

You had a much lesser extent of Republicans who hated Bill Clinton, perhaps only because he beat G.H.W. Bush. The bimbo risings were just an excuse to bring that hate out into the open which led to impeachment. I always thought that hate strange, most folks liked Bill, he was a likable guy, a popular president. He had strong support for his policies and what he did as president.

Perhaps this hate is a partisan thing among each party's faithful. Let me say the hard core faithful. Perhaps it's always been there and all our new social media and sites like this one brings it all out into the forefront. Perhaps it a result of both major parties shrinking leaving only the hardcore partisans in each party with their no compromising attitude and hate for the other party. I really don't know, but as more and more moderates, the less ideological leave the parties, soon there will be nothing left but ideologues with hate for the other side.

I don't think Trump is the cause of this, just a symptom, perhaps an end results of a couple of decades or more of hate brewing for the other side which became stronger and stronger as both parties shrank leaving basically only the hard core ideologues in each.

It's high past time that we start electing Americans to congress and the presidency who put America first instead of their political party. For way too long we have been electing Republicans and Democrats who happen to be Americans instead of Americans who happen to be Republicans and Democrats.