I think you are right about the Voting Rights Act but that is one of many messes that need fixing. While they are at it, for instance, the Post Office really needs fixing Protect our Post Offices by getting rid of it and also bail it out. Then there is the 100+ changes in environmental stuff. I would also like to see national parks better supported and their costs to the public fixed so that even the poor can goto the park without spending 50.00 to get in and 25.00 a night to camp. National parks are for EVERYBODY!
I think getting rid of gerrymandering, at a federal level is dead. Its being left up to the states. Remember, California fixed theirs and that was under a Republican president (Swartznegger (probably spelled wrong).
I have written Biden and asked him to start talking about how he is going to 'fix' what Trump has wrought. All I hear are grand plans and the first things he should do is put the nation back together by fixing the messes.
Abortion is not dead. The problem is with young girls not taking any pills (they forget, don't know, think its sinful, etc)