Two Self-Described “Boogaloo Bois” Charged with Attempting to Provide Material Support to Hamas
US Department of Justice | Public Affiairs

The Right has spent a good deal of this summer clutching their pearls and acting like they are really horrified by violence and trying to pretend like they sincerely think Black Lives Matter and antiFA are terrorist organizations, when the reality is they just wish they could go back to a time when unarmed black people being murdered by cops didn't even make the news. In reality, a recent study showed that over 93 percent of protests were non-violent, and in reality it probably a lot more than 93 percent because the metrics they used deemed things like destruction of Confederate statues to be acts of violence. Additionally, a good deal of the violence was caused by counterprotesters showing up armed and ready to fck with people (and, well, the poilce.).

A lot of the time, these counterprotesters were Boogaloo Bois. Far-right, Hawaiian shirt wearing, gun toting douchebags who just really want to incite a race war in the United States, in order to give them some meaning in their otherwise empty lives, and who saw the protests as a chance to push the United States in that direction. So far, quite a few Boogaloo Bois have managed to get arrested for various acts and attempted acts of terrorism.


Now, two more Boogaloo Bois have gotten themselves arrested. Michael R. Solomon, 30, and Benjamin R. Teeter, 22, were taken into police custody on Thursday after trying to join the Palestinian terrorist group Hamas. The two reportedly belonged to a Boogaloo Boi subgroup called the Boojahideen, whatever the hell that is supposed to be.

According to John C. Demers, the head of the Justice Department's National Security Division, the pair had told undercover agents posing as Hamas members that they would like to "join forces and provide support, including in the form of weapons accessories.


These two Rightwingers decided that it would be a good idea to try to manufacture a bunch of gun parts for a terrorist group, because they felt this would aid them in their plans to start a race war in the United States. They're basically the Manson family. They could have and would have killed people, as part of this cause that they so desperately believe in — a cause that other supporters have tried to claim is simply "loving the Second Amendment too much," while insisting that all of the memes about starting another civil war are not supposed to be taken seriously.

But they really should be.


Contrarian, extraordinaire