The use of the line “Stand back and stand by” was a little ambiguous to me. and these are passing thoughts .... did he really mean "those" words? did he mean "stand down" and forgot the words? are the words a call to wait and be ready for ... what? for something but what? for urban warfare?

But the most conclusive words were not spoken. "I denounce white supremacy in any form". Kinda straight forward ... it says what it means and means what it says. Now I am forced to conclude he did not denounce white supremacy (for whatever reason) and in fact waited until he was forced to say something in the proverbial walkback as a result of the blowback and yet still could not say the words. If your loved significant other can not say the words "I love you", you have to wonder ... do they really love me?

This is the case when he can't say the words so he does love them.

ignorance is the enemy
without equality there is no liberty
America can survive bad policy, but not destruction of our Democratic institutions