They only arrested 15 conspirators in the plan to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer. It was yet another little group of White nationalists and there are a LOT of those folks and a lot of different organizations under that banner. If you google "list of white nationalist organizations" you will find stuff like:

These people easily put together a 1000+ armed car convoy in Portland, Ore with no problem at all. My point is that there are a LOT of these people (possibly hundreds of thousands!). Most are armed and most take great pride in their ignorance and they scare the sh*t out of me. On the other side there seems to be a philosophy, more than a group, called ANTIFA which has one simple claim. They are against Fascists which seem to be the White nationalists, et. al. For 4 years Trump has been coddling the White nationalists and, now, they have boldly sent Trump they are ready and willing to do whatever he wants and claim him as their leader!

We have about 4 weeks before this whole think really heats up. THEN, I think, we are going to get educated! I would remind all that OUR FBI has been, for years, warning us about these people and telling us that they are dangerous and need to be dealt with. I suspect that the time is neigh and I wish us all good luck! I main hope is that our Armed forces remain OURS and have not been suborned.