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As a note regarding thoughts on Mr Trump refusing to leave WH, we have the case of the Dir of Bureau of Land Management, Pendley, refusing to leave job as directed by the courts, saying Mr Trump supports him in his job.
If this is not eye opening for the possibilities of a Republican assault on our democracy, I don't know what is .... other than complete regime change.
I suspect there is a whole bevy of these ultra conservative Republicans (Rep Jordan, Gaetz, Meadows, Gohmert in fact most Texas rep's, Sen Johnson, Lee etc) who would welcome the destruction of our form of government and a replacement with a fascist one.
These guys believe they are above the law .... so saith the Congressional and Judicial Records.
I've been watching the BLM situation too - it is a microcosm of the entire Trump administration's abuse of processes, and ignoring of law and the Constitution. God, I am so looking forward to the end of this nightmare.
A well reasoned argument is like a diamond: impervious to corruption and crystal clear - and infinitely rarer.
Here, as elsewhere, people are outraged at what feels like a rigged game -- an economy that won't respond, a democracy that won't listen, and a financial sector that holds all the cards. - Robert Reich
That would make his victory nearly impossible to deny.
Sorry but it would be delusional, thinking Mr Trump would act rationally. One doesn't have 3000 attorneys on standby for just some unknown reason. The foundation of his probable denial of election results if he loses has been laid down. If he loses FL by a landslide .... well that is simply an example of Democrat cheating .... rigging an election .... etc, and should be invalidated by a bevy of attorneys who have been hired just for that reason.
Mr Trump believes he should win all the states he previously won, so if he loses any of those states he will send an army of attorneys to file injunctions to invalidate the results. I would bet on this.
ignorance is the enemy without equality there is no liberty America can survive bad policy, but not destruction of our Democratic institutions
It would appear some factions of the CA GOP have been putting illegal voting drop boxes in some counties and then claimed they are doing it to help people.
For those who refuse to think or believe Republicans would not stop at anything to win an election. Imagine .... that is a lowly group in CA .... what about the big boys in the Trump campaign .... what would they be willing to do for their dear leader
ignorance is the enemy without equality there is no liberty America can survive bad policy, but not destruction of our Democratic institutions
In the case of Pendley running the Bureau of Land Management, the court also said that every decision he has taken part in has to be set aside. So he can sit in his office for a few more months if he wants. He just can't actually be involved in running the BLM and his legacy there is demolished.
Another case where Trump's "cutting the red tape" actually violates the law and is nullified.
and what makes you think he or Mr Trump cares what the court says. He is using the office ... he ain't leaving ...and guess what .... no one can make him leave.
Should I mention Mr Trump at this point? Trump - Pendley .... anyone???
ignorance is the enemy without equality there is no liberty America can survive bad policy, but not destruction of our Democratic institutions
Former political consultant and lobbyist Rick Gates who pleaded guilty to conspiracy against the United States and making false statements in the investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 United States elections, and longtime business associate of Paul Manafort, served as deputy to Manafort when the latter was campaign manager Trump's presidential campaign in 2016, stated on PBS News Hour MO 10/12/20 that Trump will win the election because of the Trump Effect - a phenomena that some Trump voters who intend to vote for for Trump would nonetheless tell pollsters that they are undecided or likely to vote for Joe Biden
This effect is actually named after former Los Angeles Mayor Tom Bradley called the Bradley Effect. Tom Bradley, an African-American who lost the 1982 California governor's race despite being ahead in voter polls going into the elections. As with all things Trump, Trump is known to steal other people's things and make them his own. But I digress.
Analysis by CFRA Research found that since 1945, the S&P 500 has averaged an annual gain of 11.2% when Democrats controlled the White House, versus an average 6.9% gain under Republicans.
A study by Liberum, a U.K.-based investment bank, found similar results. The firm examined stock market and gross domestic product data going back to 1947, when official GDP calculations were introduced. It found that since 1947, the S&P 500 experienced an annual return of 10.8% under Democratic presidents, versus 5.6% under Republican presidents. The average annual U.S. GDP growth rate was 3.6% under Democrats and 2.6% under Republicans.
It appears on video some evangelical Christians will be ballot harvesting in WHITE churches and Hispanic and Asian churches.
hmmm ... Christians? .... o yeah now I remember .... Jesus in the sermon on the Mount said to lie, cheat, and steal from your enemies. Good to know what Christians are up to .... hmmm ... wait a sec .... isn't that Judge Amy Barrett in some fringe Christian org??? gee I wonder what her agenda is? .... lie cheat and steal????
ignorance is the enemy without equality there is no liberty America can survive bad policy, but not destruction of our Democratic institutions
So I am only aware of Republican plans to cheat/steal election but Tom Fitton has been recorded at a conservative confab saying Democrats have been gaming a plan to stop the vote count until inauguration day and force Spk Pelosi to become president.
So I am asking all you Democrats out there to let me in on this plot.
ignorance is the enemy without equality there is no liberty America can survive bad policy, but not destruction of our Democratic institutions