As long as there's no down side for failure in the Dem party, it will continue to be a gravy train for a small class of insiders making money off failure.

Democrats engage in as much anti-democratic shenanigans as Republican. They are the human resource dept for republicans. A dommed party that whines it cant get nothing done because of and is only comfortable with strategies that won't upset Republicans.

On the other hand. DSA had a pretty good night..

What Democrats Should Learn From the Spate of Socialist Wins on Election Day

Unfortunately, as the wise guy once said: 'they forgot nothing, they learn nothing'.

No radical center buy in. Trump improved his support among Republicans. A replay of killing a primary challenge by radical centrists and going on to turn in awful performances in the general. My prediction: from working in corporate settings, will be these people will get even stupider and more rewarded.

They may have forced a realignment as a result of their positioning, stupidity and greed:

Which is the Real "Working Class Party" Now?

But they'll be fine. Lotsa money with losing in the Dem party.

Last edited by chunkstyle; 11/06/20 06:07 PM.