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There’s still much we don’t know, but we can take some key lessons from the elections last night: Democrats’ weak economic message helped Trump, the Lincoln Project embarrassed itself, a ton of grassroots money was set on fire, Americans don’t love Obamacare, and the Democratic courts’ strategy failed.
I was all set to challenge everything in the piece, but after reading it, I didn't find much to disagree with. Democrats will have to do a lot of recalibration. Republicans, unfortunately, have been rewarded for gross incompetence, and anti-democratic,un-American shenanigans, so we're going to see a lot more of it. The Biden presidency is already hamstrung, and it hasn't even started.
As long as there's no down side for failure in the Dem party, it will continue to be a gravy train for a small class of insiders making money off failure.
Democrats engage in as much anti-democratic shenanigans as Republican. They are the human resource dept for republicans. A dommed party that whines it cant get nothing done because of and is only comfortable with strategies that won't upset Republicans.
Unfortunately, as the wise guy once said: 'they forgot nothing, they learn nothing'.
No radical center buy in. Trump improved his support among Republicans. A replay of killing a primary challenge by radical centrists and going on to turn in awful performances in the general. My prediction: from working in corporate settings, will be these people will get even stupider and more rewarded.
They may have forced a realignment as a result of their positioning, stupidity and greed:
My suspicion about the democratic failures probably had a lot to do with the claims that many thought were threats. I actually read one report that said the Dems were going to backoff their internal druthers until after the election. They went down from there. They threatened to change the superior court, wanted to socialize everything, punish the opposition, etc., etc., etc. I think people are sick and tired of all the blatter, ill will, and just plain anger at the other side (regardless of side). And, now, they get to pay the price and we will get another 4 years of nothing and that is unfortunate.
I think there will be help for them throwed out of their rentals and losing their houses, and getting bankrupt from their healthcare, etc. But that's not gonna last forever. I remain convinced that the Dr. Mina 1$ test would go a long way to fixing the pandemic but, it seems, that's not gonna happen either.
Healthcare remains a major subject but its not gonna get fixed. My personal belief is that healthcare is going to have to be socialized. There are, right now, over 2 million citizens that are survivors of Covid-19 and suffering the problems that means. if healthcare doesn't get socialized how in the world are 2 million sick people going to live decent lives instead of being broke all the time just to stay alive? We are a nation of people who should be willing to take care of one another. That, I think, is one of the basis of nation. On top of that socializing healthcare would mean we would have a system with better outcomes, less expensive, universal coverage. The money saved would be cose to a TRILLION dollars a year! In this particular case healthcare, I think, is no better nor worse than a socialized police department, fire department, library, etc. Not only that but every other industrialized nation on earth has proven its validity, cost, and functionality.
I think you are referring to Bernie. I just thought he would not get elected and think that to this day. All these claims of Socialist are the answer to everything, and all running win, is interesting. If that was true why were they running under the Democratic party which, apparently is the bane on the entire nation as far as you are concerned. You do have the DSA - why not put all your efforts into that instead of wasting all your time ranking on the Democratic party?
I really don't understand
While I believe healthcare for all is the only way to go I don't think its winnable in an election. Pernie did that and lost (I know, he actually, somehow won but didn't) The Republicans understand. They rape and pillage but what they don't do is brag on it and, pretty much, its become some kind of strange normal. They understand what offends. The Dems just don't get it and the Socialists get it and cannot get elected if running under their own banner.
I think you are referring to Bernie. I just thought he would not get elected and think that to this day. All these claims of Socialist are the answer to everything, and all running win, is interesting. If that was true why were they running under the Democratic party which, apparently is the bane on the entire nation as far as you are concerned. You do have the DSA - why not put all your efforts into that instead of wasting all your time ranking on the Democratic party?
I really don't understand
While I believe healthcare for all is the only way to go I don't think its winnable in an election. Pernie did that and lost (I know, he actually, somehow won but didn't) The Republicans understand. They rape and pillage but what they don't do is brag on it and, pretty much, its become some kind of strange normal. They understand what offends. The Dems just don't get it and the Socialists get it and cannot get elected if running under their own banner.
Interesting times!
Your making almost no sense now.
Never made the claims your stating. You hydrated enough?
The Dems just don't get it and the Socialists get it and cannot get elected if running under their own banner.
The current Democratic Party electorate is made up primarily of elderly centrists. That's going to be changing over the next decade or two. AOC and her squad were all re-elected...dozens of socialist candidates were elected to state and local office in this election. I see no reason not to be pleased with the direction socialism is taking in the US.
The takeover of the Democratic Party is underway and thriving.
I'm happy too, Gregor. I don't think you can take over a party like the Democrats.
Seriously, what is it composed of? Tech, Finance, Pharma, Insurance, the intelligence Agency and white collared workers that thrive in these industries.
That's not a small order for 'taking over' when your looking down the barrel of some of the most powerful and lethal corporate boards on the planet.
Better to maneuver around them than try and take on a frontal assault of a 'take over'. Sanders was amazingly close but didn't have the cajones> He's fallen back to his usual role of a good company man.
Third parties are one option. Already been going on, though Dem corp. has been fighting these efforts as well.
Sometimes it's better to start from scratch than do a remodel.
The Dems just don't get it and the Socialists get it and cannot get elected if running under their own banner.
The current Democratic Party electorate is made up primarily of elderly centrists. That's going to be changing over the next decade or two. AOC and her squad were all re-elected...dozens of socialist candidates were elected to state and local office in this election. I see no reason not to be pleased with the direction socialism is taking in the US.
The takeover of the Democratic Party is underway and thriving.