I'm not sure the Democratic Party needs re-calibration. But I do think they need to listen to their constituents more, the people back in their district and state. I also don't think they need to be in a big rush. This goes for both major parties, it ought to be alright to vote against the party line if that is what the folks back home want. That perhaps it ought to be alright to be a pro-life Democrat or a pro-2nd amendment Democrat. They're going to vote the Democratic Party line 80-90% of the time. Why primary them out and then lose the district or state? Isn't 80-90% better than zero percent? There's a lot of die hard Democrats who don't think so. This also goes for the GOP.
That it's okay for a moderate Democrat to run in a conservative district. By the way, those 3 incumbent Democratic congressmen who were pro-life that were primaried out by pro-choice Democrats, the new candidates lost those districts.
I also think which probably will happen with Biden's election. That the democratic party needs new faces in front of the people. A more moderate face to present to the American Public, one that can attract independents. Biden won with a moderate face, he won independents whereas Hillary lost them.
To win elections one needs to attract more than just the progressive vote. You can't turn off independents, they decide elections. Keep moving left, but slowly, don't over do it to provoke a reactionary anger at your party.
Simply put, there's a lot about the democratic party people like, independents if you will. A lot they don't. Avoid what they don't like and concentrate on what they do. Then comes success in 2022 and again in 2024 and on and on. Overdoing it, making independents angry causes elections like 2010 and 1994. Both Bill Clinton and Obama over did it, they pushed things through or tried to that America as a whole wasn't ready for.