Obama had a a mandate and went to the conservative heritage foundation for ideas. Disbanded Deans 50 state organizing strategy and went on to lose state houses across the country.

We had the same thing happening in NY. A Dem governor, Cuomo, was able to rule a deeply blue state as a Republican with the assistance of the IDC (independant democratic caucus). A group that was allowed to run as Democrats, received funding and support with state party, but aligned themselves with the conservative minority.

Independent Democratic Conference

Allows him to do nothing for people by using the excuse of Senate obstruction by his own design.

Dem party does this at federal level as well. Much reporting on it. I’ve linked to it in the past. Kinda like Joe Biden campaigning for a conservative anti-choice Republican in the 2018 elections. The congressman went on to win.

Joe Biden’s $200,000 paid speech praising a House Republican, briefly explained

No, Dems don’t want mandate. Or at least not one that benefits the general public. They bought into the ‘don’t just do something, stand there!’ Conservative view of politics decades ago.

Now if a bank is in trouble, war needing approval, prison building, or giving permission for state surveillance of its citizenry, Dems are there for it.

Last edited by chunkstyle; 11/13/20 12:27 AM.