There's so many polls out there and all worded in different ways. Kaiser polls showing 61% in favor of MFA while Gallup showed 40%. Who to believe, perhaps it all in the question or how the question is asked.

Pew Research broke it down, all individual, 36% favor a single national government program. 26% a mix of government and private programs, 30% just want Medicare and Medicaid to continue as is with no change while 6% state government should have no function in the healthcare system at all.

There's also a party break down there. So does this mean as Pew Research hints at or actually states that 63% of all Americans favor Medicare for all. Is that true? There's no way to find out. Some or all of those who favor only a single government run program could be totally against the mixture of government run and private programs. Those in favor of the mixture of government and private programs, some or all could be against a single government run program.

The above may be nit picking. But it leaves me wondering which I can find no firm answer. Is Medicare for all exactly what the name implies? Everyone will be enrolled in Medicare with no private insurance available to anyone. Then only 36% of Americans favor it, not a majority. Or is it different from what the name implies, which would be a mixture of both government insurance for those who want it and private insurance. Which for me seems the best way to go. But that has the support of only 26% of all Americans.

Depending on who one asks, you get a thousand different answers. It's easy to understand why only 40% would be in favor of MFA in one poll and 65% in another. No one or at least I understand exactly what MFA is. At least Pew has broken it down in a manner I think gives us a better understanding of the percentages for and for what type of health insurance.

It's high past time that we start electing Americans to congress and the presidency who put America first instead of their political party. For way too long we have been electing Republicans and Democrats who happen to be Americans instead of Americans who happen to be Republicans and Democrats.