The most important fact that is often overlooked in this discussion, is that essentially everybody gets medical care right now. Nobody has to die in the ER parking lot. Even undocumented immigrants, foreign workers here on agricultural visa, tourists, etc. Getting care for chronic conditions may be trickier, but everybody who knows anything on the subject will tell you it's a lot cheaper to treat these conditions in a clinic or doctor's office than to wait until they require an ER visit.
The other fact is that insurance companies take 15 to 20% of every health care dollar, principally for interfering with health care delivery. Any plan that gets rid of them saves their cut. Billing and insurance are also a large part of health care administration: Get rid of that, and you save even more.
So the idea that "some other will benefit" from any of these universal or single-payer plans are just political fear-mongering. There WILL be losers, but they would be insurance companies and their employees.
My greatest concern is we end up with something CALLED Medicare For All, that is really just existing Medicare with buy-in for younger people. Because my copays with Medicare are much higher than my copays with my previous Blue Cross.