As well he probably should: Everybody saw what happened to Obama after ACA. If Biden gets control of the Senate and then uses it to ram a vastly different healthcare system through congress with zero Republican votes, he probably would lose the House and Senate in 2022. If he makes a more subtle change, like adding a public option to ACA and fixing the ridiculous Medicaid/ACA income gap, he gets to keep congress working with him.

I'm not saying Bernie's MFA, or any single-payer system, would not be better than ACA. It would be, and much cheaper. I'm just thinking about what I want the future political climate to be. It would be nice if all of Trump's rabid base would drop dead from Covid complications, or decide to boycott elections, but that's not going to happen. Most of those idiots will be voting again in 2022, 2024, 2026, etc. So short of rounding them up for reeducation camps, or dosing Red State water supplies with anti-psychotic drugs, we have to live with them.