I think it would be better to talk about costs and outcomes when it comes to healthcare. If they do that, constantly and without letup they just might make a point. I don't think that the Repubicans want to have that kind of battle fiscal responsibility and lousy outcomes when measured against what they rest of the developed world gets. There are, incidentally, people going up to Canada to get stuff done because their outcomes are better and their services, even if you are not canadian are much cheaper than in the united states.
Basically, if the Republicans want to fight, and that is the basis, then they would also be fighting for higher prices and worse outcomes. Not a real good place to be, I think.
I think this would also be an exercise in explaining the ongoing failures of our own system. We have, right now, the makings of a really serious collapse of our existing healthcare and costs are just the beginning, there is also greed, especially by equipment manufacturers and drug manufacturers. If nothing else warnings should be talked about - right now.
Its strange, I actually think there is a way if people are careful and do it right. The hard part, I fear, is getting everybody on board and explaining that they can screw it all up by continuously asking for 'free' whatever, for instance.