Obama instituted the longest economic increase in the history of the nation! He, basically, did everything that was expected of him. Not only that but he also, at least, made a run at fixing our healthcare system. We should also remember that he did that in spite of the Republicans owning congress and publicly, and proudly, stating that they wouldn't allow ANY Obama legislation to pass! There is also some agreement that Obamas economy was responsible for what Trump is claiming as 'his' economy.

Remember also that Obama tried to make medicare an option of the ACA but was stopped BY THE DEMOCRATS!

Oh, the big business thing. Big business always gets taken care of. This isn't a Democratic OR Republican thing. What it is, really, is an indication of who owns the congress. I remember when I was traveling and somebody asked me a question about American Politics and bribery. I referred them to the site "opensecrets.org". The next day the guy said to me; "The United States seems to have codified bribery!" - he was right! (it was in India or China, I think)

We don't need conspiracies as we have facts and there are no secrets. What we do have is an ignorant, not give a damn, voting public that continue to support those who would govern us, and lie, and cheat and steal with impunity. I guess truths are kinda boring.