That economic increase was not equally distributed. A look at the Fed labor share would support that claim. It’s why wealth inequality has widened.
His run at healthcare reform was seen by many as an industry giveaway and a blown opportunity to lead when given super majorities to do so.
He expanded our imperialist wars in Syria, Libya and Yemen, refused to break up banks or punish the criminality associated with same. Broke his commitment to public financing and turned to generous wall st. funding of his 2012 campaign.
The man wasn’t perfect. His presidency has come under more critical scrutiny in recent years and has the ire of the Sanders wing for interfering in the primary election.
I think he deserves the title of ‘the pretender’. I’m not unaware that his breaking the color barrier was important to many of the older generations. Something seen as progress to them and understandable but he represented little else in terms of issues noted above, IMO.
Last edited by chunkstyle; 11/25/20 11:52 AM.