Originally Posted by logtroll
The news is that his carcass is to be the inaugural "conservation burial" at our co-op farm. He won't be interred six feet under, as that is not conducive to re-assimiliation into the soil ecosystem via microbes and bugs and bacteria and fungi. It has been projected, according to our regeneration business plan, that in a couple of years he will be living happily in grasses and trees and assorted microbiology as the goddess Gaia (not his false Christian God) intends for all her children, aberrant in life, or not. Ergo, no marker will stand over the hole he will be buried in, since he won't be in that particular location for long.

‘Tis done! The hole was hand dug, and hand-filled, layered with ample biochar and composted mulch. All in attendance were in full agreement the the rightness of it is undeniable. We intend to develop some “promotional” materials - mostly concerning the vision for the farm as a community centric sustainable food production, appropriate technology, and wholistic science center. We will offer similar participatory burial opportunity to all comers with no charge, but donations to the mission and vision of the farm appreciated.

The mortuary that collected the body, stored it for a couple of days, and took care of most of the required paperwork, had never heard of such a thing, but said that people are always asking for more “natural” alternatives to the standard funeral process. They were quite enthused and said they would refer those inquiries to us in the future.

Me wife’s Da will be pushing up blackberries in a few months...

You never change things by fighting the existing reality.
To change something, build a new model that makes the old model obsolete.
R. Buckminster Fuller