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A goodly amount of snow here (8"), very pretty! Supposed to get more today, followed by 9 degrees tonight - very chilly!
Went to the cabin Saturday for a sit by the woodstove, a Reuben on the panini grill for lunch, a nap with a good book (Doc Savage #13, Land of Always-Night), and a watch of the snow storm's first hours. Headed for home about 2:00 via the over-the-mountain route driving the wife's 2-wheel drive Toyota pickup, and got about halfway up to the 8,000' pass before spinning out hopelessly. Backed up about a 1/4 mile on the winding narrow road (oh, my god, I can hardly see!!) to a turnaround place and headed back down ever so carefully. Had to take the (mostly snow free) long way home - about 20 miles longer. I took the opportunity to regale my mate with endless stories of my youth, driving a 1947 Jeep into the gaping maw of death every weekend, just for the pure joy and challenge!
Not no more...
You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the old model obsolete. R. Buckminster Fuller