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The Black Lives Matter movement nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize. Life just gets better and better. There are a lot of bigoted and racist Righties gnashing their teeth right about now.
I'm convinced it's genetic. Like gender, we are divided evenly in half. And it's not completely binary...just like gender. As our ids are matriculating in the womb we become conservative or liberal just as we become male and female, just as our sexual preferences are innate, formed before we leave the womb, not taught and not subject to change.
Our competitive nature makes us automatically choose sides and it has made us the most dangerous species on the planet. It's not a bug, it's a feature. It's not mental illness any more than homosexuality is mental illness. They can't imagine being any other way and they think we're the crazy ones. As long as certain subjects are never breached, then we can get along fine, we don't need to agree to work together or to be friends.
But these QAnon folks...Jewish space lasers? Pedophile cannibals? These folks are genuinely broken. By a society that moves too fast. It's not the first time in our history that religious fantasies have superseded reality. They have fallen prey to the sinister ministers and have fallen under the cult like control of those who would profit from them.
About 4 hours post-Moderna vaccine, and I can't feel any side effects at all. My injection site feels a bit warm to the touch. But no pain at all, no headache, no fever, nothing. Got my booster shot scheduled. Yee Haw!
I went to a drive-in supersite, run by UCSD Medical Center in downtown San Diego. Lots of people in cars in line on the streets, but my brother-in-law told me he walked in and got served immediately. So that's what we did, too. Parked on the street for free, walked about two city blocks, and got to their pedestrian vaccine entrance. No waiting at all! I showed my appointment document and license, then got sent to the nurse for the injection. 15 minutes in the observation area, and off we went. We did talk with the observation attendant for a bit: She's a UCSD professor & MD doing research on pregnant women and vaccines.
Anal swabs are found to be more reliable than nasal swab in China for diagnosis of Covid. May be related to lower false positives, as hypochondriac may be less likely to visit the drive by anal swab sites! Images of drive through lines are not yet available! TAT
There's nothing wrong with thinking Except that it's lonesome work sevil regit
Back in March, when I went to the ER for a covid test, they told me: It can't be covid because you had diarrhea. Must be something else. But all brain swabs came back negative for covid, Flu A, and Flu B. So they thought I had a cold with 10 days of super squirts and pneumonia. Then my wife came down with it and mom died... Neither had GI problems but my wife had low SpO2.
Evolutionary biologists Heather Heying and Bret Weinstein join Bill Maher January 29, 2021 to discuss the nature and possible origins of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus:
It's already in the works to primary out every representative who voted for impeachment. Probably 8 of the 10 will be. The blow back doesn't come from voting against impeachment, that was expected.
So two years hence, the republicans we now view as the most sensible of the lot will by primaried by the Marjorie Greens of the world, the forever Trumpers....
The folks who approve of the violence on Jan 6, the folks who believe that the only good democrat is a dead democrat and that Jewish space lasers started the California fires....
And they will win! And then Democrats will defeat them to hold the house and senate at the midterms. That's my call, the division within the republican party will work more to the democrats advantage than their own.
As it stands now, I totally agree. As long as Biden and Democratic Controlled Congress doesn't make independents angry at them. We never know what the future holds. Best we can do is take a SWAG.
It's high past time that we start electing Americans to congress and the presidency who put America first instead of their political party. For way too long we have been electing Republicans and Democrats who happen to be Americans instead of Americans who happen to be Republicans and Democrats.
As long as the Jewish space laser crowd holds true to their beliefs independent swing voters will go with the democrats. You've mentioned on a lot of occasions the "comfort zone" of these voters...seems to me they'll be more comfortable with living wages and healthcare than they will with civil war.