some Republicans and independent Republican leaners disliked Trump so much they voted for Biden, but stayed loyal to their party's candidates down ballot.
That's exactly what happened. Trump was universally hated.
Socialist democrats in congress are also universally hated.
Republicans thought they had this...they were as certain of victory are Democrats were in 2016.
The dynamics of the whole thing are weird and fluky, I suggest we strike the entire Trump phenomenon from the records.
What is this? A love fest? Yeah, I agree that socialist Democrats in congress are equally as hated as Trump was by the majority of Americans as are the congressional leaders of both parties. The exception might be Sanders.
Favorable ratings as of 6 Apr 2021
Biden 51/44 favorable/unfavorable
Pelosi 38/52 favorable/unfavorable
McConnell 19/64 favorable/unfavorable
Schumer 34/55 favorable/unfavorable
Trump 38/56 favorable/unfavorable of that group, Biden is the only one in the positive nationwide. The rest although viewed nationwide as negative, that doesn't make any difference as it is in their own district or state that counts on how they're viewed. Sanders and the socialist Democrats weren't listed in this most recent poll.
Sanders was in the 9 Mar poll along with AOC
Sanders 46/43 favorable/unfavorable
AOC 36/41 favorable/unfavorable I've noticed is when the social democrats like AOC, Omar stay quiet and out of the news their favorable's rise and their unfavorable's shrink. The same can be said about these ultra conservatives like Cruz. He isn't liked by America as a whole either.
Cruz 34/50 favorable/unfavorable.
Another one in the America as a whole really doesn't like in the McConnell range is Cuomo, 20/60 favorable unfavorable. But with both Cruz and Cuomo, it isn't how they're liked/disliked by America as a whole, it's only what the folks in their state think about them that's important. Only they can reelected them or send them packing.
I also think it's interesting that Biden has stayed out of the news, lacked media attention and his approval rating remains very high, positive. 55.2 approve, 39.6 disapprove. on the other hand was in the news and garnered media attention everyday of his presidency and he stayed around 40/55 approval/disapproval for his entire presidency. There seems to be a correlation with the amount of media attention is given one or the lack of in their favorable/unfavorable ratings.