There is a lot of our leaving Afghanistan being talked, and argued about. I am for getting the hell out of there and have been for years. We have now spent, we are told, TWO TRILLION DOLLARS! That has got is zip, nada, nuttin. the Taliban currently runs more of the nation than the government we support. The government that we support is known to be one of the most corrupt in the world. Gosh, I wonder why we are not loved by the Afghans. The current president was appointed by Bush and used to be an oil guy. Boy, that's really want to admire, an oil guy!

Then there is the Mideast. As far as I can tell nobody over there has ever kept their word about anything. Any of our own stuff, in that region, has failed. We have, in other words, spent literal years failing. We get the news and the news is one of failure just about every day. I think getting out of that entire region would do us a lot more good than what we are doing now and we would, along the way, save A LOT of money!.

Our adventures, abandonment of allies, lying and being lied to, etc., etc. isn't even the worst of it. Our adventures, for instance, has proven that if the United States comes to help be prepared for us to kill hundreds of thousands of your citizens. We don't mean to, way say we meant well, we were 'helping'! What stuns me that some of the people over there actually believe that stuff! Hell, most of us do too! But, facts remain. We helped Iraq and killed something over 200,000 of them. I haven't even bothered to look at what we have done in Afghanistan but I have friends who have done time over there and say its in the thousands. Then, again, there is that 2 trillion dollars! We also tend to abandon many who have sacrificed their lives to help us. We did it with whole tribes in Vietnam and that's just for starters. In other words, we are not the nice group of Christian folks out there doing good, that some would have us believe.

There are a lot of our own military leaders who are beating their breasts with concern that getting out of there is a terrible thing. I think that's two fold. Generals all say they hate war but the generals also always support a good war. I think the problem with leaving Afghanistan is that they haven't 'won'. My problem with that one is that they have never, in 20 years, even bothered to define, exactly, what 'winning' might mean. They only know that they are losing and I am not even convinced that they can define that one either. Biden has promised to leave and I sincerely hope he pulls that one off.

Oh, If we leave, and we have problems we have the capability to watch what, exactly is going on and where the bad guys are from what we can see from space. In addition to the over 30% of our current air power are drones. I suspect that if somebody in Afghanistan were to threaten us, and we knew who they were, we could send it any number of armed drones and blow the hell out of them. We are VERY good a blowing the hell out of just about anything you might think of.
