I think what James was getting at is stupid things and sayings like Defund the Police. Most Americans like their police, they don't want to see their police done away with. A choice of words can make all the difference come election time. One reason Republicans were able to pick up 14 house seats is the fact they like their police and were afraid if the Democrats won, their police force would cease to exist. These folks voted for Biden, but voted republican down ballot to keep their existing police force.

Now who ever heard of communities of color? Why not just say black neighborhoods. Then everyone knows what the heck your talking about. I think many Democrats, progressives in particular forget that politics is the art of the possible. They continue to push things that don't stand a snowball's chance in Hades. Stuff most Americans oppose or I should say may support if it was worded differently and presented in plain English instead of very stylish jargon the average American doesn't understand.

I'm trying to remember how Reagan put it. He granted amnesty to 3 million illegals. But he didn't call it amnesty. He called it 'legalization." His act passed. A survey at the time showed a majority of Americans against granting amnesty, but a majority had no problem with legalization. A play on words for sure, but it worked.

It's high past time that we start electing Americans to congress and the presidency who put America first instead of their political party. For way too long we have been electing Republicans and Democrats who happen to be Americans instead of Americans who happen to be Republicans and Democrats.