Pretty amazing for me. You have decided that there is no way the feds can do anything about fixing police problems. This, in spite of the fact hat both Dems and Republicans are, right now, trying to get that done. As far as I can tell they are in agreement about no-knocks, strangle holds, etc. Their main problem seems to be over whether the individual policeman or the police force can be sued. I don't even care about that as suing the political group responsible for the police, the city, county or state, basically, gets sued, right now and gets to pay and its up to them to stop it and they haven't (which is why the feds are entering the fray).

I used to think that Trump disasters were due to Trump and his ability to know EVERYTHING! Now I realize that BOTH sides have those that know everything. If I have learned anything, over the years, is that when you meet or know somebody actually believes they know everything the wise thing is to run like hell.

Medicare for all is a defeating slogan. The trick, I think, is to get control and do the job. I actually think there is hope for our healthcare system its just not being dealt with by running mouth using crap language that gives offense. I also realize that you really don't get it because you know all things so I am done trying.

Have a nice day!