Sometimes elections aren't as important as legislation. Obama succeeded where many before had failed. It wasn't a perfect bill but it will pave the way for the eventual Medicare For All.

Republicans basically made fools of themselves with their TEA Party antics just as they have done with Trumpism. They invited more and more fools to the party until there is barely a sane one among them.

As far as current leadership goes McConnell will continue to do what McConnell has always done...obstruct everything.

I don't feel like Schumer is particularly hated. He keeps kind of a low profile He's almost an NPC in the game, all his responses are pre programmed and and pre-dictable. A gatekeeper of sorts.

Pelosi gets a lot of flack but she's good at what she does. Getting rid of a lot of these wrinkled old faces will go a long way towards healing the country though.

I don't understand why these people don't retire...ancient relics of a different age...ancient wrecks who should be playing shuffleboard and golf in Florida, doing high dollar speaking gigs and rubbing shoulders with the stars.

I think we've talked about fresh faces before. Margery Taylor Greene was a fresh face...but so was AOC and the Sudanese girl, more will be coming along soon and the changes are going to be mind boggling to the surviving Boomers...I'm trying to be one of them.

Republicanism has lost it's way and serves mostly as a vehicle for hate now.

It's unsustainable.

Democrats seem as though they might have found a purpose, but the silverheads are getting in the way.

Good coffee, good weed, and time on my hands...