Perhaps the Democratic Party needs to say to these swing voters, it's okay to be pro-life or pro-2nd amendment, you can disagree with us on those issues, but back us on the issues you agree with. Come home to us, we won't make you feel like an outcast because you differ with us on a few issues.

Yes they should reach out to the rightwingers....welcome them into the fold...like they have the lefties.

Then shoot 'em down anytime they express those beliefs...

I'm okay if you don't like abortion...don't get one if you don't like them.

I'm okay with guns too. I don't own any but I don't mind if you do. As long as you don't shoot up a school with it.

So what is it exactly makes you think the dems are far left...the far left is where the socialists live and they aint no dems over here...

Good coffee, good weed, and time on my hands...