We are the third most populated country in the world. There are two that are bigger, in populace than we; China and India. Both hold approximately 3 times as many people as we. We have something like 360,000,000 people in America. I am not sure how, exactly, a nation can actually get that many people to agree on a single thing - just one single thing! Nations with a lot of people tend to have problems within. China does is it with a tight rein on its people and India is approaching that point right now. I wonder what would happen if the United States actually broke into two parts, probably north and south. That would leave each with a smaller population to deal with which, I suspect, would help in the virtual war that goes on, between the two, every day.

I suspect, in the end a division between the two would probably help the situation. I am equally convinced that should the US split then each nation would be determined to get the other under its sway.

so, wouldn't make an ounce of difference...........