I've learned from experience that there are workers who make poor leaders, privates and SP/4's who were the greatest soldiers at that rank, fail the grade big time as sergeants.
There can be instances where one is a good leader in one area, but very poor in another. Perhaps the leaders of BLM are great leaders and organizers when it comes to protests, pushing equal rights etc. But poor on overall leadership of the group on a myriad of other things. Or perhaps they didn't think vaccinations as important as their reason for being, police brutality? We all have priorities, some things very important, other things kind of irrelevant or off our radar screen.
Actually, I think the NAACP is more of a voice when it comes to the overall black community and their stances on different things to include vaccines. The NAACP has been pushing for all to get vaccinate. BLM in my opinion is an organization created and adopted to deal with police injustice.
I wouldn't be hard on BLM as vaccinations really wasn't an issue for them, not a main issue, treatment of blacks by the police is their main issue..
NAACP is a wonderful organization, but just as traditional conservatives and traditional Republicans are being shouted down by the larger Trump Party of COVID, just as rational Christians are buried under the explosion of Qanon believers, NAACP is barely audible above BLM's bully pulpit.
Most people who follow BLM, regardless of color, don't pay much attention to the marxist underpinnings, but that doesn't change what BLM does when it comes to spending their funds or their political capital.
When Patrisse Cullors and her little marxist friends shouted Bernie off the stage at a rally in 2015, they also said that none of the marching and activism of the Sixties meant shee-it to them. These same revolutionaries also want you to know that NAACP doesn't mean a damn thing to them either.
I'm going to be as hard on BLM as I can be, because they're the loudest voice in black civil rights activism, thus they have a duty, an obligation, to take a stand on the vaccines, because COVID is killing way more black people than the cops ever will.
Last edited by Jeffery J. Haas; 08/13/21 05:26 PM.